Tuesday 20 November 2012

Fire location sketches

When designing the fire location I wanted to make it feel very harsh and untamed, not so stable as the rest of the map, it's chaotic and destructive, a world born out of the disaster the meteor brought about.

All over the fire location are hints and relics indicating to what was there, melted tribal polls, old bones. This wasn't always the fire location it once was, it use to be apart of the earth land, or maybe it was all fire, but the impact of the meteor doubled the harshness of the land.

When considering how the houses would look for this land, I went for a more industrial look, feeling that any humans who originally had lived here, were no longer with us, so anyone who had moved in would probably of built things with a bit of experience any knowledge of the land meaning all the building are new.

We had passed around the idea that crystals were scattered all over the world, using this I decided that the closer one got to the crater, the more crystals they'd find, so I started setting up crystal mines and crystal technology to help adapt.

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