Thursday 1 November 2012


After we decided how players were gonna move an interact with the world we started to break it down more.

roaming the world would cause battle instances such like Final Fantasy or Pokemon, where the player is briefly transported to a small location to battle the opponent, be they human or a random monster encounter in peace.

It was shortly after this decision we made the choice to drop the card aspect of the game all together. feeling that making a secondary game option to go with this would pointless considering how vast and interesting the online experience would already be. But we decided to keep some decisions that were made while considering the cards apart of the game, we just re-tweaked them so that they flowed better for the game.

For example, we made the choice of players being Shamans and using the cards as a medium to store and control monsters, but now the players use talismans that hold the essence of the monster and channel that into the player, turning them into the monster for combat.

With the player now in control of an identifiable character, we had to considered if we wanted other characters or locations in the game, such as.

  • Camp sties
  • Settlements
  • Outposts
  • Villages
  • Towns
  • Cities
  • Kingdoms
  • etc
And within those we'd have quest hubs for players to gain quests and markets stalls for players to buy sell and trade with, allowing players to gain items to boosts monsters attack, defence, strength .etc

With this there would be NPC characters the players could interact with to act as shop merchant or someone handing out quests for wary travelers.

We are still coming up the designs of the human character even if they are human...,_the_last_shaman_of_the_Oroqen,_in_July_1994_(Photo_by_Richard_Noll).jpg

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