Thursday 1 November 2012

Recent feedback

Sam recently saw Matt again and showed him the progression of our design document, to which we hear went over really well and that Matt really likes the work we have put into it, saying we have a strong idea.

Matt suggested we'd make some additions to our document, such as...

  • We need to make the Doc more pretty, e.g. Background picture
  • We need to add some artwork to the most important areas e.g. character section etc.
  • He mentioned that we should do a game world section at the beginning and include a world map.
  • He also said we should a section for game completion time for new players and the average gamers.
  • He said we should add self updated contents.
  • He said that we should change the style of headings into 3 types to show which parts are more important in our game, meaning that the less important section won't need that much work into it.
  • We need to change the overview section. Changing it into a more simple not needing to explain about where our idea came off and go straight into explaining what the game is about.

  • He did say about monster/environment design we can do mood boards which could help.

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