Friday 16 November 2012

Player designs: Shaman

When researching, I was both considering the default look of the shaman and how would they appear in the other cultures of the map example. The air shamans might have a more Asian Monk feel to them, while fire would have a more Hawaiian warrior vibe to them. Taking this into consideration when image searching I never really settled for one particular tribe, hoping to mix all of them together for the basic default look.


 When I was designing I really wanted to use a mask feeling it would create the feeling of being in touch with the spiritual elements, carving their gods and dreams into masks, what would people who live in the world of monster dream and worship?

My first batch of designs I tried to focus on Shaman's overall and for my second batch I tried to focus purely on Shamans that might come out of the fire location, so I used metal work in the design as well as looked at Hawaiian designs.

For my final I went for the basic look of a Shaman, what most players way look like and start off as. I wanted to go with very basic designs, such as wooden armor and mask, but I didn't want to go so far as to tread the territory of leaf skirts and spears.

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